How do they do it?

  • Apple Computer PowerMac 9500
  • Silicon Graphics® Onyx® supercomputers
  • Silicon Graphics Indigo²tm workstations
  • Sony color graphics camera
  • full dubbing, rendering and digitizing faciliites from D-1 through Syquest Exabyte DAT and down to half-inch Wacom Table
  • Windows NT® PC
Proprietary software
  • ClickLink video transfer system to connect it to Click 3X in New York as well as other national and international locations on a 24 hour basis.
  • Discreet Logic
  • Fire
  • Avid
  • Alias/Wavefront
  • Adobe Illustratortm
  • Adobe Photoshoptm
  • CoSA Aftereffects
  • 3D Studio
  • Prisms
  • RenderMantm